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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:3,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:5,000 ]

This moving bush is an animal
- a basket star

- which spread out its arms to
catch the night's plankton

The reef becomes
uncannily tranquil

Fish retire, hiding themselves
where they can

Marbled rays come out to hunt
for prey buried in the sand...

...using electro-receptors
to scan the seabed

Their activity attracts sharks

White tips

At night, when vision is of little use,
sharks have a real advantage

They can still use both smell
and electro-reception to track fish

These sharks are also hunting for
fish concealed within the reef

Their slender shape enables them to
squeeze through surprisingly narrow gaps

There is nowhere to hide

Few animals are safe during
these feeding frenzies

Night after night the reef animals
are subjected to these raids

But life on the reef is not just
about food, it's also about sex

There are many different
breeding strategies,


reef [ri:f] n. 暗礁;[地质] 矿脉;收帆 vt. 收帆;缩帆 vi. 缩帆;收帆 {cet6 toefl :6352}

slender [ˈslendə(r)] adj. 细长的;苗条的;微薄的 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :6511}

frenzies [ˈfrenziz] n. 狂乱( frenzy的名词复数 ); 极度的激动 { :7279}

tranquil [ˈtræŋkwɪl] adj. 安静的,平静的;安宁的;稳定的 {cet6 toefl :11585}

plankton [ˈplæŋktən] n. 浮游生物(总称) {ielts gre :19300}

uncannily [ʌn'kænɪlɪ] adv. 惊异地;神秘地;不寻常地;危险地 { :22968}

seabed [ˈsi:bed] n. 海底;海床 {toefl :23196}

sharks [ʃɑ:ks] n. 鲨鱼( shark的名词复数 ); 坑蒙拐骗的人,诈骗者 { :4438}

feeding frenzy [ ] n. (鲨鱼等鱼群的)疯狂捕食;(对某物的)集体狂热追求 [网络] 吞食鱼;大鱼吃小鱼;海底世界

hunt for [hʌnt fɔ:] na. 追猎;搜寻 [网络] 寻找;搜索;探求

marbled ray [ ] n. 波纹鳐

the seabed ['si:bed] n. 海底;海床

to scan [ ] [网络] 往扫瞄;往扫描;细看

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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